Monday, August 14, 2006

12-13 Aug: Stranded in Ramstein

This is the part of the trip which one must be prepared for...patience and cooperation. Because we fly free on the AMC, sometimes you must wait for plane and in this case, our jet broke in midair. The C5 Galaxy Starlifter while a "giant of a jet" has a bad reputation for hydraulic about 1.5 hours into the flight ~ and I believe just after flying out over the Alantic ocean, one of the crew stated that we had to return to Ramstein due to a hydraulic problem. Once we landed, we headed back to our hotel. We're all pretty exhausted but at least the rooms are comfortable, cheap, $26 a night at Volegvey an Army and Air Force base. We showed up back at the terminal today at 11am and there are three jets going to Dover today. We stuck with our jet that was broke last night because its guaranteed a spot and it was "supposedly" fixed. If something goes wrong with this jet we can still get on one more jet going out to Dover tonight. The family is hanging tough but we are all ready to come home.

Just to show you how badly a jet can get damaged, notice the nose of the aircraft almost fell off, see it turned up? Ha!, just kidding, thats how they off load equipment! Gotta to love flying military jets!


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